This is a test. I’m testing whether and how to keep a journal. 

I want to find a solid platform to integrate words, graphics, music, and digital references in one place. So this is a test of WordPress and of myself.

After finding some time on my hands, thinking about it myself for a while, starting a travel journal, and a quick search which I should have done in the first place, I find there is a difference between a blog, journal and diary. I think I want a journal, to begin with: a place to capture thoughts, ideas, organize travel reminiscences, matters of the day, and more.

This journal is mainly for myself. If I’m going to put much effort into it, however, I think I’m going to have to excerpt and publish some of it in a blog or other platform to share with others. I have in mind concentric circles of “others”. First there is immediate family, especially Allie and Barb, and I think they may be the only ones with full access to the whole mess, if they ever have interest in delving into it. If I’m lucky, it may be of interest to some unknown generation who wants to delve into a little snapshot of 20th-21st century life. 

The next level is extended family for things like family albums and history, and maybe another level for friends and people we know that might have interest in some aspect. Beyond that, the general public for items of more general interest. I want to give each level a restricted view into the ideas and topics I choose to share, and I’m not sure yet how to manage those distinctions. This journal is the sandpit to play with ideas and collect thoughts; out of it may come a blog or something with finished pieces I wish to share or maybe even sell if there’s a demand.

I started with an idea for a digital scrapbook, but that quickly snowballed into a lot of other angles and alleys. Everyone lives their lives, and many are compelled to write things down to express themselves. Like many, I find that writing clarifies my thoughts. Unlike most that have gone before, we in this generation have the beginnings of a virtually unlimited digital platform and the ability to connect (hyperlinks, I love hyperlinks…thanks Doug Englebart and Bill Atkinson, especially) these thoughts into potential patterns…and maybe learn something, if we can coax longer term patterns from the noise. This is a beginning, and I think the human race will get better at this going forward. While I’m trying to make sense of things for myself, I hope maybe I can cut some new ground for others.

A metaphor: popcorn. My head sometimes feels like a popcorn machine, popping out a flurry of ideas and thoughts. Some of these ideas are worth saving and linking to others (ok, maybe the metaphor breaks down here…who saves popcorn to look for patterns or the really good ones? [Well, maybe someone should…that would make for truly gourmet popcorn]). Other ideas are half popped and not as good, and a few can break a tooth and send you down a painful road to an expensive implant (been there). Still, I like the metaphor, and I like the resonance of the pun. My grandfather was Pop-Pop (not how he would have spelled it or that I’ve ever seen it written down), and Barb’s Dad was Poppy. I aspire to be a grandpa someday, with Allie’s help or in some other curmudgeonly way…I am on the cusp of my Popness. And many of these thoughts will be corny, because I can’t resist. The results may be as evanescent and non-nutritious as a bucket of popcorn. But maybe in the right circumstance it can be tasty and just the thing you want.

Another reason I’m writing: I’ll be turning 60 soon. It seems to me, God willing and based on my parents’ lives, that I’m about 2/3 through this ride. I have maybe 30 years ahead of me, 20 of which may be somewhat productive and sentient. A lot will happen in that time, to me and to the world. I’d like to do a better job of making sense of it all for myself and maybe for others. I’m hoping that digital tools and a bit of discipline on my part will make that easier. And it’s something to do.

Rather than overthink it all, as I am wont to do, I figure the best thing is to give it a try. So let’s see where this takes me.

Related Post: Why I’m Writing: 2019 Update

Related Post: Why I’m Writing: 2021 Update

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