1999 Second Half

July started once again with Christine’s 5th birthday party at Patti’s. Followed by Maddie’s 4th party in the Harders’ backyard in Baltimore. We have a discrepancy here because we also went to a summer birthday party which Barb also thought was for Maddie at the Harder’s house. I’m not so sure, but haven’t figured out …

1999 First Half

Our New Year’s girl at home, ready to party like it’s 1999! We don’t have any other photos so I suspect the was a New Year’s Eve spent at home with Dick Clark rockin’ the countdown on TV. Barb notes this is a nightgown that Grandmom made Allie. Grandmom was especially proud of the smocking …

Cultural Memories, 1966-1971

Events that crossed my radar and memories, these many years later. This effort is aided and abetted by reviewing Wikipedia’s listings of each year’s events, in this case, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970 and 1971. These five years, as I aged from 8 to 13 in Florida and New Jersey, were pivotal in forming my personality, memories and tastes. …

Bill: Pre-Aruba

These are photos from an album I put together in 1976 or so called “Bill – The Story So Far,” supplemented with photos from an album that my Mom put together for me about a year later. Short Hills, New Jersey For the record, I was born March 28, 1958, when we lived in Short …

College Jobs

Once I got to college, summers opened up and there was the prospect of internships. Pretty much the whole time I was in college I viewed it as a sort of minimum security prison sentence — a period you had to get through in order to actually start working and making money. I was always …