Paddington House

Photos from our house at 10316 Paddington Court, Ellicott City, taken April and May, 2005. We moved out in June. Exterior shots taken on April 16 when the lawn was mowed and trimmed and the tulips and cherry tree were in bloom. Interior shots taken May 12 when the house was all cleaned up for …

2005 First Half

As 2005 got underway, we were in the midst of constructing the Pfefferkorn house, I was taking personal finance classes online and Allie was in fourth grade at Glenelg Country School. On January 13 we did something or other with Chris Garwood and her dog, Tallie. It’s possible that at this point Chris and Gerard …

Pfefferkorn Purchase

Making the decision to build our house on Pfefferkorn Road. A confluence of factors sparked our decision to leave our house at Paddington Court and build a new home on Pfefferkorn Road. With some of the bonuses I earned in 2000 and 2001, we paid off our Paddington mortgage which seemed like a reasonable thing …

2003 Second Half

Allie, Barb and I went to Florida for a summer break, starting on June 28. We stayed with Grandmom and Grandpop for a few days, probably staying at the Hilton on Singer Island. Sue was staying with Grandmom and Grandpop, too. On July 1, Barb, Allie and I checked into The Breakers Hotel in Palm …

2004 Second Half

I’m not sure what we did for July 4, but Betsy sent along these photos of the Embreys visiting the beach in North Carolina, so they are accounted for. As evidence of the fact I was playing tennis, here’s a trophy I won for 4.0 Men’s Doubles from the Columbia Association’s Bastille Day tournament. I …

2004 First Half

We looked after Gerard and Chris’ dog, Dawson, for a day or two in early January. She was a beast of a puppy and tore up Gerard and Chris’s house when she was young, but she’d mellowed a bit and was a pretty good house guest…for a short while. Harry Potter and I were a …

2003 First Half

For Christmas 2002, I got myself one of them newfangled digital cameras, so 2003 marks our first year of mostly digital photos, with timestamps that help me place when each shot was taken. Lucky you! Barb, Allie and I started the year (actually the end of 2002) in Florida with Grandma and Grandpop at their …

2002 Second Half

Summer started with a new (and final) season of T-ball for Allie, this time as an Astro. If she could have kept playing T-ball, Allie might have stayed with it as she rather enjoyed the languid pace of the game. Unfortunately, one could only play for two seasons before matriculating to coach-pitch softball. Allie didn’t …

2002 First Half

New year, new friends, new birthday parties to attend. This one was a sleepover with Emily Lowe and many buddies. I think Emily is top left, next to Blair, then the other Emily in red, Tessa and India. Alexie is hugging Allie. Lily is down front. Not sure who the other two are…but that’s pretty …