Denver 2023

Our long-awaited trip to attend Sara’s wedding. Wednesday, November 8 Barb and I flew to Denver nonstop on Southwest without incident, departing at 12:45pm and arriving before 3pm, civilized hours on both ends. We arrived at the Denver airport which somehow seemed even larger than before. It took us 30 minutes from landing until we …

Colorado, July 2021

Our post-Covid (?) family reunion with the Embreys (and to meet Embrey Ann) in Denver and Breckenridge, plus a side visit to Estes Park to see Frances and Dave. In the depths of the Covid-19 pandemic, just after the elections in November 2020 and around the time the first vaccine developments were announced, I got …

2003 Second Half

Allie, Barb and I went to Florida for a summer break, starting on June 28. We stayed with Grandmom and Grandpop for a few days, probably staying at the Hilton on Singer Island. Sue was staying with Grandmom and Grandpop, too. On July 1, Barb, Allie and I checked into The Breakers Hotel in Palm …

2004 First Half

We looked after Gerard and Chris’ dog, Dawson, for a day or two in early January. She was a beast of a puppy and tore up Gerard and Chris’s house when she was young, but she’d mellowed a bit and was a pretty good house guest…for a short while. Harry Potter and I were a …

2003 First Half

For Christmas 2002, I got myself one of them newfangled digital cameras, so 2003 marks our first year of mostly digital photos, with timestamps that help me place when each shot was taken. Lucky you! Barb, Allie and I started the year (actually the end of 2002) in Florida with Grandma and Grandpop at their …