Movies I Saw in 2018

A running tab of movies I’ve seen in theaters or at home, and a quick comment about them. I’ve succumbed to the idea of assigning a personal score for each film.  My scale: 4 Stars – One of the best, well recommended 3 Stars – Recommended, but some issues here and there 2 Stars – Problematic, hard to recommend 1 Star …

Holiday Letters

Here is a collection of our holiday letters over the years, for those keeping track. Some years are missing, either because we didn’t do a letter or I don’t have an electronic copy. Some Memories of 2023 Some Memories of 2022 Some Memories of 2021 Some Memories of 2020 Some Memories of 2019 Some Memories …

June 2018 Colorado

In the early part of the year, I’d started hearing and liking a number of songs from a group called the Turnpike Troubadours. I looked at their touring schedule to find a possible concert near me when I noticed they would be playing at Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Denver. I’d always wanted to see a show at Red …

Sept. 2018 – Lisbon

A multi-pronged Aug-Sep 2018 trip to Boston to visit Allie, then to Lisbon via Dublin to spend time in Portugal with Laurie, culminating in a return to Boston to meet Barb for a long weekend. Previous Post | Next Post | Trip Home Tuesday, Sep. 4: Cascais – Lisbon  We rose at a reasonable hour, finished packing, …