Movies I Saw in 2017

A running tab of movies I’ve seen in theaters or at home, and a quick comment about them. I’ve succumbed to the idea of assigning a personal score for each film.  My scale: 4 Stars – One of the best, well recommended 3 Stars – Recommended, but some issues here and there 2 Stars – Problematic, hard to recommend 1 Star …

Holiday Letters

Here is a collection of our holiday letters over the years, for those keeping track. Some years are missing, either because we didn’t do a letter or I don’t have an electronic copy. Some Memories of 2023 Some Memories of 2022 Some Memories of 2021 Some Memories of 2020 Some Memories of 2019 Some Memories …

Oct. 2017 Boston

Trip to Boston with Barb to celebrate both girls’ birthdays, for Barb to see Allie’s place, and generally commune with our newly working daughter.  Then Bill went on to Nova Scotia for week including music of the Celtic Colours festival. Next Day | Trip Home Thursday, Oct. 5, 2017 Barb and I drove to BWI, …