2004 First Half

We looked after Gerard and Chris’ dog, Dawson, for a day or two in early January. She was a beast of a puppy and tore up Gerard and Chris’s house when she was young, but she’d mellowed a bit and was a pretty good house guest…for a short while. Harry Potter and I were a …


One day, in late August or September of 2002, Allie and Barb went grocery shopping together at the Dorsey Search Giant near home. There was a girl outside the store with a sign saying “Free Kittens” and a box of said kittens there for the choosing. (I must say, I’ve shopped there hundreds of times …

Holiday Letters

Here is a collection of our holiday letters over the years, for those keeping track. Some years are missing, either because we didn’t do a letter or I don’t have an electronic copy. Some Memories of 2024 Some Memories of 2023 Some Memories of 2022 Some Memories of 2021 Some Memories of 2020 Some Memories …

Presidential Votes

For the purposes of posterity, though not necessarily pride, here is a summary of the votes I’ve made over the years for President of the United States. 2024: Trump vs. Harris. Count me in the minority of Americans who thought Joe Biden did a pretty good job as president. On the other hand, despite all …