My Brilliant Careers

Memories of my jobs and work experiences over the years.

College Jobs

I never had a job while I was in high school, though I was willing and eager to find ways to make some spare change. We traveled each summer and the logistics of my school schedule, transportation and after school activities seemed to augur against gainful employment. Besides, in my senior year it was a lot more fun to go see Barb and other friends after school. I made a few dollars coaching tennis but that was hardly a steady gig. Here are the jobs and internships I can remember.

Bei Jing-Washington, Inc. (1980-1982)

Atlantic Research Corporation (1982-1989)

Hekimian Laboratories (1989-2001)

Spirent (2001-2003)

Planning Coach (2004-2006)

AIPT – Association for International Practical Training (2007-2008)

WHD Planning & Live in Howard County (2008-2009)

Robots (2009-2017)

  • STEMaction
  • USRA

Barb’s Office of General Counsel Photos