It’s been a long-running joke in our family that the ancient Duncan clan motto is “Disce Pati”, or “Learn to Suffer”. The Internet says it’s true (Wikipedia, Index of Clans), at least sort of (Clan Duncan), so it must be true, at least sort of.
We’ve long transmogrified the phrase to “Disco Pattie”, I think originally thanks to a story from Len, though I can’t remember the details.
There’s something to be said for the basic sentiment of “Learn to Suffer”. It’s depressingly honest, which I seem to have taken on as a trait. Foreshadowing or foregone conclusion? There’s more to be said on this score, but I think I’ll let it go for the moment.
It’s also translated as “Learn to Endure”, which tries to be a little more optimistic but mostly seems to be less emphatic or truthful.
It’s a cousin to the line I’ve most loved from the Princess Bride, “Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.”
In my internet wanderings I came across this blog post from a fellow Duncan encountering our clan motto, Disce Pati. It’s a well-written piece which I admire. I especially like his take on the Buddhist Four Noble Truths, transcribed for Duncans:
DUNCAN CLAN: The Four Noble Truths
I. Life is suffering.
II. Buck up, pilgrim.
III. [refer to Second Noble Truth]
IV. [see Third Noble Truth]
I don’t know what became of that William Duncan, but I feel a kinship. I think I prefer Truth II to be “Suck it up, kiddo”, but the sentiment is the same.
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