2009 Second Half

After our return from China with the Speizmans on June 21, I embarked on my new role as VISTA for FIRST in Maryland. My first milestone was a four-day VISTA bootcamp in Philadelphia starting July 14. I was able to wander a bit around Philadelphia on my own, including a seeing the outside of the …

Denver 2023

Our long-awaited trip to attend Sara’s wedding. Wednesday, November 8 Barb and I flew to Denver nonstop on Southwest without incident, departing at 12:45pm and arriving before 3pm, civilized hours on both ends. We arrived at the Denver airport which somehow seemed even larger than before. It took us 30 minutes from landing until we …

2009 First Half

The year started with a New Year’s Open House at our place on January 3. There were no photos taken at the time but we have proudly saved this fine decoration that Allie made for the event. The plate was a leftover centerpiece from the previous GCS auction. A couple of days later, there was …

2008 Second Half

Barb and I continued to celebrate our 50th birthdays and our 25th anniversary. Allie started 8th grade at GCS. It continued to be a big year. Allie spent two weeks in early July at a JHU CTY class, Whodunit? Mystery and Suspense in Literature and Film, at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania. I think she …

Boston, October 2022

Barb and I drove to Boston to celebrate Allie’s and Barb’s birthdays. Tuesday, October 4 Hurricane Ian devolved into a stationary front lingering off the east coast which made for a very rainy drive nearly all the way to Boston. It was a bit more obnoxious than usual dealing with the mists and more frequent …

Maui, August 2008

Our 25th anniversary extravaganzas continued with a sojourn in Maui and Kauai. Monday, August 18 After a nice week in Colorado with the Embreys, the three of us headed to Hawaii. Barb and I had honeymooned at Hana in Maui but hardly left the isolated Hana Ranch resort so Barb hadn’t seen most of the …

2008 First Half

Barb and I got ready to celebrate our 50th birthdays and our 25th anniversary. Allie continued with 7th grade at GCS. It was a big year. We started the new year with an open house party for friends and neighbors at our house on January 5. I think this was the second of these annual …