NMAAM Playlists

This page is my attempt to save the various playlists I created at the National Museum of African American Music (museum website) when we visited on March 13, 2022. The playlists are on Spotify which is not my preferred platform; I might try to replicate some of them on iTunes, but we’ll see. These playlists …

Memphis Music Education

I was reluctant to dive into this post but couldn’t resist. In March 2022, if things work out, Laurie and I will embark on a music road trip to Nashville and Memphis. In preparation, I started working on a Memphis playlist built around a bunch of tunes I knew that referenced Memphis. After assembling a …

YouTube Finds

I’ve been endlessly frustrated by the evolution of music media over the past several decades, from vinyl to CD to Napster to MP3 to iPods to Apple Music to Spotify to YouTube to who knows where next. For the time being, there’s a ton of wonderful music concerts, clips and documentaries on YouTube but I …

Cultural Memories, 1971 – 1974

Events that crossed my radar and memories, these many years later. This effort is aided and abetted by reviewing Wikipedia’s listings of each year’s events, in this case, 1971, 1972, 1973 and 1974. 1971 We arrived in Hong Kong on August 15, 1971 with Typhoon Rose. It took us a while to come to terms with Hong …

Cultural Memories, 1966-1971

Events that crossed my radar and memories, these many years later. This effort is aided and abetted by reviewing Wikipedia’s listings of each year’s events, in this case, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970 and 1971. These five years, as I aged from 8 to 13 in Florida and New Jersey, were pivotal in forming my personality, memories and tastes. …

Cultural Memories, 1964-1966

Events that crossed my radar and memories, these many years later. This effort is aided and abetted by reviewing Wikipedia’s listings of each year’s events, in this case, 1965 and 1966. The Sound of Music film debuted in early 1965 and we probably saw it that summer when we returned to the States for vacation. We also …