
We have a lot of photo albums from over the years, most done by Barb but some done by me, my Mom, Sue or others, though they peter out about the time Allie was born and we got overwhelmed. After that, we have a ton of photos and other memorabilia which I wanted to organize. I started this website largely as a way to organize these photos and memories; for more, see Why I’m Writing.

Duncan and Garbutt Family

Sara and Howard Duncan, A Memory Book – overview of the Duncan family based on a photo album Sue put together in 2009 for Mom and Dad’s 50th anniversary, supplemented with more photos and research. This is the place to start if you are new to this site.

Goodloe Genealogy – detail on the Goodloe and Duncan sides of the family, mostly coming from the Goodloe Genealogy book, additional notes found with the book, and online research.

Garbutt Family Documents – overview of the Garbutt family based on cache of documents Sue and Keri provided in 2021, supplemented with more research.

Fisher Family

Background on Fred and Louise’s families – pre-1957, mostly

Fred and Louise’s Album – 1957-1961

Barb’s Album from Betsy – 1958-1998

Barb Album – Italy 1966

Austria Ski Trips, 1972-1973

Helen Fisher’s Album:

  • Part 1: DeLamater line, Claude (Helen’s father), Ward-Allen line
  • Part 2: Ward-Allen-Pinckney line, Giles B. Allen (Civil War)
  • Part 3: Helen’s grandmother, immediate family, Fishers

Fisher Family Tree | DeLamater Family Tree | Allen Family Tree | Acker-Ward Line (

Family Notes

Holiday Letters, 1995 – 2023

Disce Pati – the Duncan family motto

Susan Barnett and the Barnett family

Genealogy Breadcrumbs – some avenues for future research
